Better by far you should forget and smile than you should remember and be sad
- Christina Rossetti
I've just seen that quote on my email from (the website for editing photos) bcs I forgot my username. That's a good quote and it's so into me. I usually forget many things. Not many, maybe several.
I really agree with that quote above. Better you go by far should forget your bad past than you would remember it and sink in the sadness. It'll be better if you can forget it than you remember it. But that's the only exception for the bad things which can make us sad. Bcs sometimes we can take the lesson from our past.
Hm but I usually do the opposite. I always forget the impotant things and remember the bad things. Stupid enough yea? But that's the fact everyone.
I still remember how my ex-boyfriend broke me up, remember the mistakes of others, remember my favorite song lyrics but I usually forget the lesson I should remember. And in the fact, most people always do that. Maybe we can say it, most of the teenagers.
I think it's because we still growing up. I hope I can be more seriously in the lesson and throw away all the unimportant things fulfill my mind.
I've just seen that quote on my email from (the website for editing photos) bcs I forgot my username. That's a good quote and it's so into me. I usually forget many things. Not many, maybe several.
I really agree with that quote above. Better you go by far should forget your bad past than you would remember it and sink in the sadness. It'll be better if you can forget it than you remember it. But that's the only exception for the bad things which can make us sad. Bcs sometimes we can take the lesson from our past.
Hm but I usually do the opposite. I always forget the impotant things and remember the bad things. Stupid enough yea? But that's the fact everyone.
I still remember how my ex-boyfriend broke me up, remember the mistakes of others, remember my favorite song lyrics but I usually forget the lesson I should remember. And in the fact, most people always do that. Maybe we can say it, most of the teenagers.
I think it's because we still growing up. I hope I can be more seriously in the lesson and throw away all the unimportant things fulfill my mind.