"Love is all that I can give to you. Love is more than just a game for do. Do in love can make it. Take my heart but please don't break it. Love was made for me and you..."
Love? I don't know what's the true meaning about that words. I can't describe it. Like the lyric above, love was made for me and you, yea actually love is for everyone. A thousand meaning will come out if we talk about love. Sad, happy and many other feelings will come if we get into love. I've been falling in love but it hasn't love in the true meaning. I like him but it doesn't mean I will love him. I love him, it means I like him in every way. Love has deeper meaning than like. I think everyone know that.
I don't know about my feeling now. Either love or just like. Yea, but it's over now. I was too late to realize my feeling and I think me and him will never meet again. We go to different high school. I can only hope that we'll meet again several years later, perhaps...
I'm glad to know you. I only tell this in my blog, my little secret which I've buried in my deepest heart lately. I never have courageous to say these word to you. But through this I wanna say, bye. We never say goodbye before. Hope you'll meet someone else in your new school. Yeah the truth is I want you to have the same feeling with me if we ever meet again:')